Texans for Environmental Health (TXEH) is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible. With your help we can: • Increase public awareness concerning the impact chemicals and toxins have on the environment and health • Provide support to people with chemical sensitivities • Encourage action to prevent further chemical damage to present and future generations ____Yes, I want to be a Supporter of Texans for Environmental Health. Please Print: Name(s):___________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________________________ Phone:_________________________ Email:______________________ My check or money order is enclosed in the amount of: __________. Want to be on our mailing list for publications, brochures and updates? Yes: __ No: __ May we list you as a supporter in our publication? Yes:__ No:__ Please make check payable to and mail to: Texans for Environmental Health, P. O. Box 1207, Wimberley, TX 78676-1207 For more information: Visit our web site at txeh.org or call 512-842-1133 or email us at INFO@TXEH.ORG Thank you for your support!